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Participate in an ever growing community of conscious co-creators that are dedicated to making the world a better place by focusing on our individual strengths and gifts and sharing it with the world.  Receive free channeled messages, teachings, sound meditations, transcripts, occasional newsletters, event info and special offers and much more.


Energy Activations

Set your intention to restore back to wellness.  Use your headphones  for the best sound experience.  

Book Your Calendar

Block out time in your calendar.  Sit or lie down in a quiet, distraction free space.  

30 Minutes

Schedule approximately 30 minutes for this  meditation. Relax your body, open, soften and receive.  

A Quick Summary of What You'll Experience in Energy Activation Sessions

  • Experience a powerful energy activation as you connect with the elements of the Earth to help you restore your physical body and gain more energy and balance.
  • Discover a way of bringing harmony throughout your mind, body and spirit.
  • Transform and dissolve any blockages that keep you stuck, tensed, stressed or tired.
  • Recharge your physical body in order to receive inner guidance to open to your creative potential.
  • Rejuvenate with the frequencies of love allowing you to feel safe and supported opening to your most authentic self.
  • Clear away distractions that keep you from living your dreams.
  • Connect profoundly to Mother Earth’s support to receive the nurturance you need to remember your true nature.
  • Allow yourself to manifest your greatest wish in your life.
  • Plus more, much more.


Recharge your physical body in order to receive inner guidance to open to your creative potential.